
Cardamom Syrup

cardamom syrup in a glass jar

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This Cardamom Syrup is made with 3 ingredients and is perfect for adding to lattes, desserts and more. It’s so fragrant and delicious!

  • Author: Becky Schmieg


Units Scale


  1. Use a mortar & pestle to gently break open the cardamom pods. cardamom pods being ground with a mortar and pestle
  2. Combine sugar, water and cardamom pods/seeds in a small pot. sugar, water and broken cardamom pods mixed in a small pot.
  3. Cook over medium heat until gently boiling. Reduce heat to low, stir and cook a few moments more, making sure sugar is dissolved. cardamom syrup cooking in a small pot
  4. Allow syrup to steep off the heat for 1 hour before straining through a mesh sieve and storing in a glass jar. cardamom pods and seeds being strained out of cardamom syrup
  5. Enjoy it in coffee or tea, brush it over scones or try it in a cocktail! Enjoy within 3 weeks. cardamom coffee latte in a clear glass mug